
 I've been thinking this past week about our country, the unrest, the bitterness I see in some people and the overwhelming sadness I see in others.  It is so difficult some days to put an uplifting spin on what the world looks like, even in our little slice of Heaven.  And, truthfully I don't think being fake just to make someone else happy is appropriate or fair.  That type of fake is right up there, in my book, with fake news and superficiality.  I don't know how to be that way, and even if I did, how shallow would that make me. I have hurts, days of overwhelming sorrow, when the world seems to be caving in, and days of overwhelming joy, when the sun is shining through the rain.  Some days the brokenness I see is a weight, much like the chains Marley wore in "A Christmas Carol".  Those weights can be a burden but they can also be the impetus that helps us make our corner of the world a little brighter. Over the holidays our library put up a "Giving Tree&quo
 In November of 2019 my husband and I packed our belongings and moved from Cherokee County North Carolina to the Northern Neck of Virginia, so that I could become the Library Director for Northumberland Public Library in Heathsville, Virginia. I have always loved the Northern Neck and for over 10 years we spent as many weekends as possible coming to our cabin and hiding from the corporate world of Northern Virginia.  Long walks, toasty fires in the woodstove and movie marathons highlighted the weekends.  My career beckoned and when we moved to North Carolina we thought we would never come back, we sold the cabin and said goodbye, but a piece of my heart remained.  Five years later when the chance came, we jumped with both feet into a move that for us meant a forever home in the little slice of heaven we call the Northern Neck.  A forever home for us after 21 years of moving with the Army and another 2 moves following my career, held great appeal.  So, here we are.  This blog is my atte